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Our Story

The Intellitraps team is made up of an entrepreneur, a wildlife photojournalist and a conservation biologist. What we have in common? A long history of setting up camera traps in wilderness areas around the world. As inspiring and rewarding as our experiences have been (and there’s no overstating this!), we were often let down by available camera trap technology. We’re sure many of you will be able to relate to the following scenarios we consistently experienced:

We would spend months researching the area we wished to visit and the species we aimed to photograph, and invest substantially in camera equipment, flights, accommodation, guides and more. Finally we would arrive in the field and hike out to remote places carrying many kilograms of camera equipment. A lot of thought would go into finding the best spots for the cameras, then we would retreat and avoid the sites for several weeks to allow wildlife to resume their activity without disturbance. Full of anticipation, we would return to collect our equipment. And here’s where our excitement often stalled. Perhaps the camera batteries were flat from the sensor misfiring and the memory card was filled up with empty photos. Worse, we would sometimes see signs of animals passing right in front of the camera, with no photos to show for it.


And so, after years of imagining that the industry would surely produce a more reliable camera trap to mitigate these issues, we took matters into our own hands. Fortuitously, cutting edge sensor technology was being developed by engineers just down the road from us and they agreed to team up! This technology is more precise and adaptable than the infrared sensors typically used in camera traps. As we began to apply these sensors in the camera trapping context, we realised that we were on to something great.


After a couple of years in development, we will very soon proudly bring you a reliable, precise, autonomous, versatile and top-quality camera trap system with a host of novel features to ensure you get your all-important wildlife shots! Not only that, but you will be able to set up the entire system, including multiple flashes, from our super easy phone app. These new features, in combination with Intellitraps’ user-friendliness, will allow a whole range of users to take part in the art, science and fun of camera trapping. Whether you’re a lodge manager looking to provide your guests with an intimate new way to photograph wildlife, or a ranger needing a reliable monitoring tool, Intellitraps will provide you with solutions. 

And onwards into the future: our mighty collaboration has already won a Swiss innovation grant, allowing us to continue pushing boundaries to fulfil all your camera trapping needs.

Intellitraps Ltd.

Zugerstrasse 1

CH-6330 Cham


UID: CHE-285.155.617

©2019 - 2021 Intellitraps Ltd.

© Malini Pittet & Patrick Meier
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